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May calendar Create Every Day : join me Move More challenge 2019

create every day

Create Every Day. May Calendar and activities Roundup

“The world’s favorite season is the spring.
All things seem possible in May.” ~ Edwin Way Teal

If you go by the old saying “April showers bring may flowers” there should be flowers blooming all over the yard. April was a pretty wet month. I began to think were going to have to build an ark like Noah. Maybe that is why for some reason the ships radio call “May Day May Day” keeps popping into my head whenever I start typing about May first. I do wish I had taught my kids about May Day baskets when they were little. I always thought that would be fun but never got around to actually doing it.

Literacy Musings Monday Linkup

“The days are long but the years are short”

It already feels like May is going to be as busy and fly past as fast as April seemed to. May has a lot of things on the calendar.In my house it is my husbands birthday, My oldest daughters birthday, Mothers day, A very special nephews birthday and my mothers birthday. This means cake, a lot of cake. Make mine gluten and dairy free please and thank you.

Let’s Create

My kids art teacher posted a round up of May drawing prompts these would be good for homeschooling art class or just for fun as a family.

I have writing prompts from Five Minute Friday and A Chronic Voice that I can’t wait to dive into even though the mess’s in my house are distracting me and telling me I should clean first. I received a t shirt and sticker in the mail from ConvertKit this week that says “Create Every Day”.

Create Every Day

Special Days On The Calendar

So What else is on the calendar? May 1st is Holocaust remembrance day starting at sundown. Then May 5th is Cinco de Mayo. On May 6th Ramaden begins at sundown. Let’s not forget our  teachers. May 7th is National Teacher Day.  On May 12th Mothers day. Then May 18th Armed Forces day and May 20th is Victoria Day in Canada. At months end May 27th is Memorial day. MOVE MORECeliac Disease Awareness Month:

May is Celiac Disease Awareness Month. I have written a few previous emails on the subject of Celiac disease and gluten free breads that I have here.  1) Gluten Free Bread my first review. 2) Just For You: Gluten Free Bread Reviews. 3) Gluten Free Bread Choices and Variety  4) Celiac Disease Foundation  5) 8 Truths About Celiac That Everyone Should Know.

Canyon Bakehouse gluten free bread has become my favorite. You can get a coupon for a 1.00 off by going here. They also have a new free  eBook called Going Gluten Free. They also have Sammy Smash, Toast Tuesday and G4luten Free Thanksgiving eBooks all free.

Importance of Education, Research &  Advocacy

Celiac Disease Foundation has made me aware of a bill going before congress to support the need for proper  labeling of gluten in medications. If you are like me and have Celiac disease you know how extremely important this is. You can urge your congress men and women to support this bill by going here.

I have committed to raise $150.00 for Celiac Disease Foundations research by May 17th. If you would like to donate you can go here and do so.

support the labeling of gluten in medicine Click HERE to read and sign the petition.

I plan to post one post about Celiac Disease each day this month stating a fact, or statistic or tip.   May 1st I posted on Facebook about the bill to enforce labeling of gluten In medicine. Now let’s move on to


Yep come on join me. You can do it. I keep telling myself about the little engine that could. I think I can I think I can I think I can… NO I know I can I know I can I know I can…..

Move More

Come on lets get to this…. I need it and I need to be accountable so I choose YOU.

May Max Movement Month

April was move more month but I am challenging myself to more movement in the Month of May. I’m calling it May maximum movement  challenge. Would you like to join in? it is part of my self imposed life overhaul challenge to get control over my health mentally and physically.


Decluttering My Scariest Space continued..

I also in decluttering my scariest space challenge was inspired to challenge my youngest daughter to a crafting challenge. We have a lot of odds and ends of craft supplies, we both love to craft. I challenged us to see how many things we could complete from our started projects and challenged to use up our stock of supplies collecting dust before allowing ourselves to pick up any new projects. I will keep you posted on how that goes.

Books & Music

A sampling of what I read and listened to this week: I added some new books to my reading wish list thanks to Delilah.com.  In her newsletter this week first of all I am quoting her because I believe in the same thing she mentioned which was my reason for starting a blog. I want to make a difference, a positive one.

Quoting Delilah~ “I am united with these authors in the belief that whatever your circumstances, whatever your time (or lack thereof), whatever your commitments (or over commitments) you can STILL make a positive, impactful, difference in the world! No more waiting, or wanting, or talking yourself out of it. ”

So of course the next step was I put these books on my wish list. One by Delilah and one by Jordan Kassalow.

Dare to Matter: Your Path to Making a Difference Now by Jordan Kassalow


and One Heart At A Time by Delilah



On the music corner I listened to a new singer that I enjoyed. Thanks to Delilah.com for introducing me to Music  by Freya Ridings Lost Without You.

Speaking of music  one of the questions I answered wrong on a quiz today was what year the disco ball was invented. I was shocked to learn it was around long before it became a big deal In the 70s.

Disco Balls, Roller Disco and Strobe Lights

“The first patent for a product that was to be an early version of the modern disco ball was issued in 1917 by Louis Bernard Woeste. It was called the “Myriad Reflector”.” ~ Reference: www.thevintagenews.com/2017/03/05/disco-balls-existed-long-before-their-heyday-in-the-1970s/
Roller disco boogie 1979 you should check out this video. Man does that bring me back in time.
Also I did not know that Strobe lights existed way back in 1931.
The electronic strobe light stroboscope was invented in 1931, when Harold Eugene Edgerton (“Doc” Edgerton) employed a flashing lamp to study machine parts in motion. General Radio Corporation then went on to produce this invention in the form of their “Strobotach”.“~ Reference –en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroboscope


So it looks like May is going to be a busy month for sure.  I planned to have this post up  before May began and here I am finishing it on the 5th. Tonight my post about Maine is going to be on Sorting Lifes Issues With Jess in her series The Best Of U.S.   If you have missed the series, go over and check it out here.
For my husbands birthday my youngest daughter had been running an art contest to get drawings of my husbands beloved dog who passed last fall.  There were 3 awesome entries. All won prizes.

Made On Skincare

Thanks to Joybilee Farm I was made aware of an awesome new to me product. Made On Skincare Products  (affiliate link). I wanted to buy all 3 balms and could not get them to load properly into my cart so settled on the one free balm and one free bee silk trial bar. What a nice surprise when I received my package and saw that they had received my note about the difficulty I was having ordering the lip balm trio and they had included it in my order for free!! I then went and signed up as an affiliate because not only do I love the balm but I want to support this company.
On Friday I went to my grandaughter’s first kindergarten concert. It was so fun. It made me forget what a crappy week we had been having with things going wrong. They had a few of the kids dressed up as the Beatles to go along with the Yellow Submarine song.
Best of all Friday night I noticed a notification that I had won an $100.00 Amazon gift card in an Ultimate Bundles affiliate drawing.

May the 4th be with you and free comic book day

Saturday my husband took the twins and my youngest grandson to Free Comic Book Day and they had fun picking from the choices of free comics. I love #RaisingReaders.  My daughter also spotted a local shelter doing a promo table and came home with a tote bag full of free samples for the dogs and cat to try out.  They brought in the mail and I had won a free book to read that arrived in the mail and surprised me.
Then Saturday night the well pump died and it looks like I will be spending most of Sunday at the laundromat. Homemaking is a lot easier when I can stay home and do it. How about you?

Ultimate Bundles Homemaking Bundle 2019

I am sure you have heard about the Ultimate Bundles Homemaking Bundle on sale right now. I was able to get a bundle to preview prior to the sale and I see so much in there that I can’t wait to have time to dive into and work with to help me get more organized and have fun while doing it.
What is up with the Ultimate Bundles Homemaking Bundle ??
In particular, it includes a ton of resources for decluttering and getting your home in order, keeping on top of cleaning more easily, frugal ideas for bringing more beauty to your home, and all sorts of simple strategies for being guest-ready and taking the anxiety out of hospitality.

With 104 eBooks, eCourses, printables, videos, workbooks, and more, you’ll be able to find a ton of resources that apply to your life right now.
Plus, it’s like your own personal library on all topics home, family, kitchen, organizing, self-care, parenting and so much more, that you can reach for again and again.

Truthfully, it’s the resource I wish I would have had years ago. 
Check it out here. 

The 2019 UB Homemaking bundle is gone. 2020 Bundle coming soon!!

  If you are interested in becoming an affiliate for Ultimate Bundles you can apply here. 

Until next time. Take care of yourself and enjoy some sunshine!

I’m linking up with The Pin Junkie ‘s Link Party.

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  1. This is an awesome post full of so much information. I look forward to reading your posts in celiac disease!

  2. April showers bring May flowers. Over here in Scotland we were having hail and snow in April. We are getting flowers, but it is so so cold.

    I’m especially looking forward to your coeliac posts this month. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago. I’ve found some nice bread here – artisan bread that is almost like the real thing. However, when I go to the supermarket, they’ve very rarely got it in stock.

  3. I am decluttering my home and it has not been an easy process! I hate throwing out craft supplies, even if i’ll never use them. Wishing you the best as you continue with your decluttering!

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