A Chronic Voice January 2022
I am joining up with https://www.achronicvoice.com/2021/12/26/january-writing-prompts-2022/
I will be 100% honest, I have missed writing and doing link ups with others. I kind of let life get in the way of taking time to do things I enjoy with one exception, Reading. I do take time each day to pick up my phone and read from Amazon Kindle library. I preordered this book Foster the Family and there is a giveaway that ends Jan 31 on Goodreads
Currently I am recuperating from trying to juggle all of the balls. In spite of my invisible illnesses making daily life hard most days I am now working a regular part time job outside the home. It is the first outside the home job in well over 30 years. Also being a licensed foster home for the state, I have almost always got some little ones to tend to in addition to keeping up with my own family.
REVERSING Sometimes cleaning helps me de stress… Every year I set a decluttering goal. This year I’m trying again I am joining https://www.happyorganizedlife.com/toss-like-a-boss-jan-2022 A long time ago I started writing a story called Wabbits Big Mess. Maybe before Feb is over I can write the end of that story by undoing my years of being a pack rat.
DAWNING: It is dawning on me that I can’t keep all the balls in the air. I need to put some of the less important ones in a basket and not let guilt eat at me for not being a good enough juggler to keep them all in the air.
- “In February 2021, 37.5% of adults in Maine reported symptoms of anxiety or depression.”~ Nami MaineSome are struggling with symptoms for the first time in their life since the pandemic started. Some of us are struggling a bit more than we were pre- pandemic. Some of us its like a roller coaster ride with unpredictable ups and downs. One stead is the knowledge that WE NEED TO BREAK THE STIGMA of mental health issues.
RE-DEFINING my priorities. I need to focus more on Health and Family. Finances are also up there. I need to stop trying to juggle all those balls and win my superhero cape.
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