3 Chronic Invisible Illness Supports and Resources

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Chronic Invisible Illness Supports and Resources

I want to share this incredible group that I’ve found: the Chronic Warrior Collective
Through their Card Swap and private social network (membership is free), I have found fellow warriors who “get it”. I’ve made friends and connections. They have been a lifeline for me and I KNOW that your other patients would LOVE to know about this group, too!
                                   Chronic Invisible Illness Support Group the Chronic Warrior Collective

Chronic Invisible Illness

Sheryl Chan runs a very supportive A Chronic Illness, Health & Wellness Blog | A Chronic Voice She hosts once a month linkups for chronic Illness

KnowYourMeds is a free app that can help you manage prescription medications and chronic conditions for you and your family. When you download the secure and easy-to-use KnowYourMeds app, you ‘ll be able to track your health, set reminders to take medications on time, be aware of possible side-effects/adverse reactions with other medications and food, track your vitals and more. You can also take care of loved ones by monitoring family members’ medication schedules. 

A med management app: Get started today—for a digital health assistant to help you manage your prescriptions and conditions and guide you on the path to better health!   Download the FREE app


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