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September Linkup With A Chronic Voice 2019

September 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup Image Credit AChronicVoice.com I am joining up with a chronic voice September linkup. The Prompts for the Month are FINDING,RESEARCHING,DATING,REUSING,RECOUNTING Read more participants link up posts here https://www.achronicvoice.com/2019/08/25/september-2019-linkup/ Last weeks Five Minute Friday word prompt was Pace and I did not get the post written in time. I haven’t…


Read A Good Book Lately? My 20 Books of Summer and More

20 Books of Summer Reading Challenge Update I did complete my reading challenge on Goodreads and the 20 Books of Summer. In addition to that I also had opportunity to read a few books to review. One was Amy Oestreicher’s  My Beautiful Detour and one was by Melissa R. Cassidy  Coming Home: Leaving Busy To…

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Are You Working on Health Goals in 2019? Join Me

Don’t give up on your health goals for 2019 Every year I make goals to lose weight or do this or that. This year my biggest goal is to improve my health. With autoimmune diseases stacking up on top of my weight struggle it is time to walk the walk.  I need to stop talking…

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Limited Time Freebie: 5- Five To Flourish

In my post on Five Minute Friday I mentioned I had a freebie to announce on Aug 23rd. Here it is Five to Flourish : Simple daily habits to help cultivate a healthy lifestyle by Ultimate Bundles. There is no commitment; this is totally free. (summit is over but here are some more productivity/time-saving helps) …

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10 Chronic Illness Posts I Recommend Reading Today

Recommended Reading In the last few months I found there was a very supportive group of bloggers who deal with chronic illness on a daily basis. Since becoming a part of that group I have  felt more cared for and understood than every before. If you too are struggling I have listed here some great…

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15 Tips To Minimize Summer Insect Annoyance

After a long hard winter, few things are more welcome than sunshine and warmth…at least until you get your first sunburn and itchy bug bites, right? 🙂 15 Innovative Approaches You Need To Know About Minimizing Summer Insect Annoyances There are many natural and earth friendly ways to minimize pests of the insect variety.  There…