20 Books Of Summer 2020
20 Books 2020 Though jumping in a bit late in the summer. I am linking up with 746books.com for 20 Books of Summer 2020
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20 Books 2020 Though jumping in a bit late in the summer. I am linking up with 746books.com for 20 Books of Summer 2020
June Adventures and Updates Boy this year has sure not gone the way I had hoped when I made my goals and vision plan for 2020. Here is it mid June and the last 3 months have been pretty much spent in hibernation. Well I have been told I snore like a bear but I…
I LOVE our Door Buddy!! My daughter received a Door Buddy to review I think it was through Pupfluence and it is amazing. In our house, it gives our cats a room that the dogs can’t access to and keeps the litter box and cat food off limits to the canines. Make Baby & Dog…
2020 Vision: I had started writing this post before Christmas but in the chaos of holiday preparations it was left unfinished. So many of my projects I had planned to complete this year are still unfinished. I am not going to look at them as failures I see them as works in progress just as…
11 days until Halloween. What is your favorite Halloween treat? Leave your answer in the comments. Treats for You Over on my main blog https://seekingserenityandharmony.com I am doing a giveaway of a 5.00 Amazon Gift Card. Other Giveaways: enjoy-these-treats/ ends 10/27 Eyewear ends 11/5 Paypal Cash Giveaway Coming soon some book giveaways from…
Wordless Wednesday Book Giveaway https://mailchi.mp/a39efa0e77f9/book-giveaway
After a long hard winter, few things are more welcome than sunshine and warmth…at least until you get your first sunburn and itchy bug bites, right? 🙂 15 Innovative Approaches You Need To Know About Minimizing Summer Insect Annoyances There are many natural and earth friendly ways to minimize pests of the insect variety. There…
an Are you ready for Easter 2019? The Easter dinner groceries are bought and put away. Tomorrow we will be boiling and dying eggs for Easter morning. Some of my eggs won’t need dying thanks to my Easter Egger chickens. Tomorrow I am going to boil eggs in my Instant-Pot for the first time….