Currently September 2020
I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup! I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
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I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup! I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
August 2020 Linkup with A Chronic Voice The prompts this month August 2020 are Unlocking, Limiting, Studying, Watching, Healing.
Wordless Wednesday Aug 25th 2020, Linking up with WW@Blogspot And a fun weekly linkup sharing photos.
I am linking up with Five Minute Friday Getting It Right The writing prompt for this week is the word “Right”. The first phrase that popped into my head is “Getting it right.”
I am linking up with for a weekly five minute free write. Do you have that feeling that in spite of your attempts of making goals and lists you aren’t making headway? Reality is maybe that list is unrealistically long. Maybe break it down into priorities and baby steps. These are all things…
Currently August 2020 Currently August choosing, consuming, enjoying, ordering, remembering What we are Choosing, Consuming, Enjoying, Ordering and Remembering. Currently August Linkup with Choosing ~ No we aren’t choosing a dog right now. We actually are choosing to wait on getting another dog. That doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been plenty of discussion…
Respect R- E -S -P- E -C- T The first thing on hearing this word is the song start playing in my head by Aretha Franklin. Though she was not the original artist according to my Google results. This sign should be posted in every classroom as a visual reminder. This doesn’t mean take someone…
Linking up with wordless Wednesday @Blogspot 2020 Summary 2020 Summarized in one pic ~ Toilet paper pretty much sums it up. The toilet paper shortage and this year has felt like its pretty much been in the toilet. Add in a few…
I am giving you a reminder to not quit, a reminder that you ARE good enough. A reminder that you should follow your heart and your dreams. But that is not all I am also giving away $25.00 in free Usborne books and more to help with your childs 2020-2021 schooling year.
20 Books 2020 Though jumping in a bit late in the summer. I am linking up with for 20 Books of Summer 2020