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Can You Name 5 Five Things You Like About Yourself ?

Five Things You Like About Yourself Reading a post over at Nyxies Nook about Self Care and Recovery She asked readers to name 5 things they like about themselves.  That same week Ruth Soukup had challenged her readers to  name one thing they like about themself. My reply is ” This one is going to…

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Culture: What Does It Make You Think Of

This post is part of the weekly Five Minute Friday link-up Looking Back I missed last seeks 5 minute Friday prompt which was promise. I made a promise to myself that I would get a better routine going to find balance but that didn’t happen. Life got in the way with Dr appointments and stuff happening…

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May 2019 I Was Nominated For The Disability Blogger Award

Disability Blogger Award & Chronic Illness Blogger Network   https://www.facebook.com/Nyxiesnook/photos/a.2218879618429124/2260124887637930/?type=3&theater How it works; Thank your nominator. I can’t begin to let Nyxie of Nyxies Nook  know how much I appreciate the nomination. I was having a rough time that day and seeing the nomination made my day much better. Recognize Georgina from Chronillicles as the…

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May calendar Create Every Day : join me Move More challenge 2019

Create Every Day. May Calendar and activities Roundup “The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.” ~ Edwin Way Teal If you go by the old saying “April showers bring may flowers” there should be flowers blooming all over the yard. April was a pretty wet month. I began to…