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FMF Writing Prompt Link-up July 2019 Willing

Five minute Friday linkup we set a timer for 5 minutes and write about the word prompt. This week the prompt is willing. Willing. Willing to do what? Willing myself to feel better is what first pops into my mind. Willing myself to think positive to fight the dark cloud of depression. Willing to push…


July 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup.

  July Prompts: Planning, Justifying ,Starting, Analyzing & Concluding  My summer so far has involved a lot of planning. Planning our vacation, planning my twins 17th birthday. Scheduling and planning doctor appointments.  Justifying to myself that it is okay to let the housework slide while I try to get my health issues under control. I…

June Linkup with A Chronic Voice: The Mystery Continues
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June Linkup with A Chronic Voice: The Mystery Continues

Repeating, Wondering, Turning, Getting, Desiring:June Linkup with A Chronic Voice These prompts all jump out at me as feelings around my current struggle with my health. I have been in the E.R. twice in the last 5 days. I was told I was a “medical mystery”.  The first E.R. visit they said I was likely…