Wordless Wednesday 1~ Oct 2019
Wordless Wednesday 1
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Wordless Wednesday 1
Currently Arranging & Loving It is a new day of a new month. I flipped the page of the calendar to a fresh clean slate this morning. A new day and a fresh start. I hope you enjoy the read. I am joining up with Anne in Residence to talk about what we are arranging, loving, embracing, purchasing,…
Art Elements: September 2019 Challenge Earlier in the month I came across this great art challenge post with beautiful images. I really had so many ideas just not a lot of time to focus. The theme of the challenge is foliage, Being here in the mountains of Maine in Autumn I am going to be…
Farm Fresh Fall Tuesday Autumn & Maple Party I am putting together this post especially for the Farm Fresh Linkup this week. I love the idea of celebrating autumn and maple. I guess I never really thought about maple as fall related. I associate it with spring when the sap starts running and we attempt…
#Bloggers Wanted For October 2019 I have a few surgeries coming up in October and one is on my dominant wrist so typing will not be happening for a bit. My teen daughter will help me with some to be sure I maintain my commitments but I’d love to feature some of you awesome writers….
September 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup Image Credit AChronicVoice.com I am joining up with a chronic voice September linkup. The Prompts for the Month are FINDING,RESEARCHING,DATING,REUSING,RECOUNTING Read more participants link up posts here https://www.achronicvoice.com/2019/08/25/september-2019-linkup/ Last weeks Five Minute Friday word prompt was Pace and I did not get the post written in time. I haven’t…
Five Minute Friday Linkup We receive a writing prompt , set a timer and free write for five minutes. Join the link-up and read other posts here This weeks word prompt is start This past week I started back to Tai Chi for arthritis prevention class. I hope that doing that regularly scheduled movement specific…
Rescue Dog Productions Note from SeekingSerenity and Harmony. I previously introduced you to Crafts 4 Rescues. She also goes by the name Rescue Dog Productions with her video’s to help rescue dogs find forever homes. She wrote a few blog posts to share here. First Her introduction Hi, I’m Rescue Dog Productions otherwise known…
TESTIMONY I am linking up with Five Minute Friday This week’s FMF writing prompt is: TESTIMONY CLICK HERE TO VISIT THE LINK-UP When I think of the word testimony it reminds me of when I was younger and at Sunday School or church camp the leaders were asking for testimony. I didn’t want to…