Wordless Wednesday March 2020
I am linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Image in ing
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I am linking up with Wordless Wednesday and Image in ing
I woke from a long nap to see… Short Story Grammys Grid Linkup I am linking up at Grammys Grid short story prompt party. The March Prompt is “I woke from a long nap to see…”. I woke from a long nap to see a giant octopus…
Currently I am linking up with Anne In Residence. fixing, A pile of clothes that need mending has seemed to multiply. I’m also fixing to spend some time working out a new schedule so I am not forgetting and falling behind on things. I am currently hearing, The wind howling and the dogs barking at…
“This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more” Welcome to this weeks 5 Minute Friday This week’s writing prompt is: TALENT I am linking up with Five Minute Friday. https://fiveminutefriday.com/2020/02/06/fmf-writing-prompt-link-up-talent/ We set a timer for five minutes and…
Wordless Wednesday I am linking up with https://wordlesswednesday.blogspot.com/ and https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/ Recent posts : Giveaways Valentines Day Gift Guide 2020: Traffic Jam Weekend Link Up Part
Currently Loving Linking up with @anne in residence for Feb 5th Currently Loving~ I am loving the bit of time I am taking for self care and escaping into reading. I finished “Love Lettering”. I am reading some Cozy Mysteries currently A Cop and A Coop. Here is more about my reading….
I Am It has been awhile since I joined up with A Chronic Voice link up. I have been having a hard time lately with networking and being as active as I should. My blog traffic is suffering because of it. As 2020 begins I have a vision and a direction I want to go….
Wordless Wednesday ———–
I am joining up with Five Minute Friday. This weeks writing prompt is sacrifice.
2020 Goals Plans Hopes and Dreams I am working on having a clear vision for 2020