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September Linkup With A Chronic Voice 2019

September 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup Image Credit AChronicVoice.com I am joining up with a chronic voice September linkup. The Prompts for the Month are FINDING,RESEARCHING,DATING,REUSING,RECOUNTING Read more participants link up posts here https://www.achronicvoice.com/2019/08/25/september-2019-linkup/ Last weeks Five Minute Friday word prompt was Pace and I did not get the post written in time. I haven’t…

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Are You Working on Health Goals in 2019? Join Me

Don’t give up on your health goals for 2019 Every year I make goals to lose weight or do this or that. This year my biggest goal is to improve my health. With autoimmune diseases stacking up on top of my weight struggle it is time to walk the walk.  I need to stop talking…

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5 Ways to Deal with Overwhelming Feelings of Guilt

5 Ways to Deal with Overwhelming Feelings of Guilt For most of my life I have struggled with emotional regulation. A long battle with chronic depression often has me struggling. Though these days the struggle is not as deep as it was once upon a time when I did not think I was going to…