September Linkup With A Chronic Voice 2019
September 2019 A Chronic Voice Linkup Image Credit I am joining up with a chronic voice September linkup. The Prompts for the Month are FINDING,RESEARCHING,DATING,REUSING,RECOUNTING Read more participants link up posts here Last weeks Five Minute Friday word prompt was Pace and I did not get the post written in time. I haven’t…
Seeking Serenity and Harmony: What’s Happening Sept 2019
What’s Happening? I am continuing the journey and still working on my goals of getting healthier, finding time to read good books and getting more organized.
Are You Working on Health Goals in 2019? Join Me
Don’t give up on your health goals for 2019 Every year I make goals to lose weight or do this or that. This year my biggest goal is to improve my health. With autoimmune diseases stacking up on top of my weight struggle it is time to walk the walk. I need to stop talking…
Aug 2019 Linkup Chronic Voice
August Chronic Voice Linkup I am linking up with the chronic voice community. We are writing about the prompts capturing, financing, controlling, exchanging and motivating. I spent a bit of time playing with graphics in Canva to try to express some of my thoughts via images. I am having trouble concentrating so finding words is…
2019 Goals Mid Year Recap
2019 Goals Recap and Accountability Part of the reason I am posting this is because I need to hold myself accountable. I also am hoping that in my sharing I can inspire and encourage someone else to keep going and not give up on their dreams. To review and access where I am at, I…
Wordless Wednesday #5 : Black, White & In Between
Black, White & Gray or Rainbows of Color
8/9/2019 Five Minute Friday: Again
Let’s Try That Again How many times have you said that to yourself? Or are you like I used to be and instantly go to the ” I can’t do this. I quit.” route? I am still working on retraining my brain to be more of a positive thinker. I have found it does work…
5 Ways to Deal with Overwhelming Feelings of Guilt
5 Ways to Deal with Overwhelming Feelings of Guilt For most of my life I have struggled with emotional regulation. A long battle with chronic depression often has me struggling. Though these days the struggle is not as deep as it was once upon a time when I did not think I was going to…
July 2019 Sunshine Blogger Award
Sunshine Blogger Award I was nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Jessica of Sorting Life’s Issues With Jess. Thank you Jess. The rules of the Sunshine Blogger Award are as follows: •Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their site. •Answer the 11 questions asked by your nominator.