Currently September 2020
I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup! I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
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I am Joining Anne in Residence for her Currently linkup! I am definitely appreciating the cooler temperatures of September.
Random Ramblings on Harmony Homestead
June Adventures and Updates Boy this year has sure not gone the way I had hoped when I made my goals and vision plan for 2020. Here is it mid June and the last 3 months have been pretty much spent in hibernation. Well I have been told I snore like a bear but I…
April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge Letter H ~ Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking These words all go together and are important in my life. On Harmony Homestead I am trying to increase my knowledge about herbs and their uses. My goals for the last few years have been…
wordless Wednesday linkup post. Theme Spring gardens, Victory Gardens 2020.
Easter 2020 What a weird Easter it is with social distancing in place due to the pandemic. I hope this finds you all doing well. I am doing more reading since am not spending time driving to appointments, preschool etc… I am working on the A to Z blog challenge Come on over and see…
April A to Z Blog Challenge Post #1 I am joining up with the April blogging A to Z challenge. A APRIL “April Showers Bring May Flowers”
How to Advocate for the animals “Things We Can Do to Help Animals in Need” There are many ways we can help animals. This includes animals in the wild as well as those types we’d consider as pets. In this article, I am going to focus on how to help animals we would consider as…
I woke from a long nap to see… Short Story Grammys Grid Linkup I am linking up at Grammys Grid short story prompt party. The March Prompt is “I woke from a long nap to see…”. I woke from a long nap to see a giant octopus…
2020 Goals Plans Hopes and Dreams I am working on having a clear vision for 2020