You Make Me Smile. Smiling Through The Days
Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
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Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
July Chronic Voice Linkup
I was happy to be able to read and review a copy of Dancing in the Narrows: A Mother-Daughter Odyssey Through Chronic Illness by Anna Penenberg
June Adventures and Updates Boy this year has sure not gone the way I had hoped when I made my goals and vision plan for 2020. Here is it mid June and the last 3 months have been pretty much spent in hibernation. Well I have been told I snore like a bear but I…
MAY MADNESS IBD Day is today May 19th. . It is a day to spread awareness about Inflammatory Bowel Disease. A newer type of colitis that I learned about last year when I was diagnosed was Microscopic Colitis. The doctors say that this was likely triggered by use of OTC NSAID’s for pain control. It…
April A to Z 2020 Letter J Joy Finding Joy In Times Of Struggle.
April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge Letter H ~ Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking Homestead, Herbs, Health, Harmony, Homemaking These words all go together and are important in my life. On Harmony Homestead I am trying to increase my knowledge about herbs and their uses. My goals for the last few years have been…
April 2020 A-Z Blog Challenge Letter D “This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more”
“This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more” April 2020 A to Z Blog Challenge #3 Letter C April 2020 Things with the letter C that pertain to the here and now
April A to Z Blog Challenge Post #1 I am joining up with the April blogging A to Z challenge. A APRIL “April Showers Bring May Flowers”