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A Chronic Voice Linkup: Neurology & Rheumatology

My Story of My Chronic Illness Journey Continues Another step in the journey of taking back my health or rather battling my body for my health. Timely since this May which  is awareness month for many of the issues I struggle with. The linkup over at A Chronic Voice also tied in. I definitely feel…

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May 2019 I Was Nominated For The Disability Blogger Award

Disability Blogger Award & Chronic Illness Blogger Network   https://www.facebook.com/Nyxiesnook/photos/a.2218879618429124/2260124887637930/?type=3&theater How it works; Thank your nominator. I can’t begin to let Nyxie of Nyxies Nook  know how much I appreciate the nomination. I was having a rough time that day and seeing the nomination made my day much better. Recognize Georgina from Chronillicles as the…

2021 Scary Rising Statistics Mental Health in Children and Teens

2021 Scary Rising Statistics Mental Health in Children and Teens

Mental Health in our children and teens. Scary rising statistics Revised Sept 2020 Mental Health Matters: September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!! We need to break the stigma that keeps so many from getting help. There have been some very disturbing statistics in the news lately. I am referring to the statistics of how many…

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May calendar Create Every Day : join me Move More challenge 2019

Create Every Day. May Calendar and activities Roundup “The world’s favorite season is the spring. All things seem possible in May.” ~ Edwin Way Teal If you go by the old saying “April showers bring may flowers” there should be flowers blooming all over the yard. April was a pretty wet month. I began to…


Gluten Free Bread Choices and Variety

Gluten Free Bread Choices   The Beginning: When I first was diagnosed with celiac disease finding things that tasted good was a lot harder than it is now.   Celiac was suspected in 2010 and confirmed in 2011. I wrote my first bread review in 2011 when choices were a lot slimmer. You can read…