You Make Me Smile. Smiling Through The Days
Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
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Smile Every time this song comes on it makes my mind boosted. It reminds me of how I feel about my children and grandchildren. Uncle Kracker ‘s Happy Song
July Chronic Voice Linkup
June Adventures and Updates Boy this year has sure not gone the way I had hoped when I made my goals and vision plan for 2020. Here is it mid June and the last 3 months have been pretty much spent in hibernation. Well I have been told I snore like a bear but I…
April A to Z 2020 Letter J Joy Finding Joy In Times Of Struggle.
April 2020 A-Z Blog Challenge Letter D “This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click and buy, I may make a commission. Please see my disclosure policy to lean more”
April A to Z Blog Challenge Post #1 I am joining up with the April blogging A to Z challenge. A APRIL “April Showers Bring May Flowers”
Darkness This weeks writing prompt for Five Minute Friday is Darkness. I have spent so much of my life fighting depression. Fighting my way out of the depression. The weight of not being able to find joy in the blessings in life. Feeling guilty for not feeling joy for the things I should.
Mental Health Matters First off to my faithful readers I have to apologize that in the last month I’ve been quite forgetful and scattered with my posting. Please forgive me and stick around as I try to get my act together. Thanks for reading. Also because I tend to be over apologetic and say I’m…
Saving your sanity when recovery requires restricted activity level This last week I have not been able to be up and around much due to some illness that remains a mystery. During the time my body is demanding I rest I was reminded of prior times of being frustrated at being laid up. Then I…
Welcome to My Spiritual Journey: Mothering and Meditation My Spiritual Journey: Today I looked back through some old blog posts. About six years ago, when my youngest daughter was new-born, I experienced a bout of mild depression. It was not clinically diagnosed: I visited a doctor who informed me that I did not need treatment…