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Mental Health Matters December 2019 Holidays

Mental Health Matters First off to my faithful readers I have to apologize that in the last month I’ve been quite forgetful and scattered with my posting. Please forgive me and stick around as I try to get my act together. Thanks for reading. Also because I tend to be over apologetic and say I’m…

Season of Giving Fundraisers, Donations #Pay It Forward 2019 Giving Tuesday

Season Of Giving Here are a few of my favorite charities as well as a few posts about why I feel we need to advocate for those that can not advocate for themselves.   https://seekingserenityandharmony.com/2019/07/08/be-a-voice-for-animals-and-children/     Animal Refuge League OF Greater Portland If you would ike to do a donation drive for ARLGP you…

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Featuring~ Diffusing the Tension: 7 Difficult Facts About Anxiety

Welcome, I had asked fellow bloggers to help me out with posts while I am recovering from surgeries. Jen at Diffusing the Tension was one  of the first to reply.   Jen is a mental health advocate whose blog Focuses on awareness on mental health issues. She also has another interesting page called True Crime She…

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Featured Guest Post: Living With Lyme Disease The Truth 2019

    Check out this post by Chronically Imperfect about being burdened by an invisible illness.                   Living With Lyme Disease When I reached out for other bloggers to help out with posts while I am recovering from surgeries. I had a great response. Here is the…

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Choosing A Dog 3 ways to Help Rescue Dogs

          Choosing A Dog & How to Help Rescue Dogs [bctt tweet=”Have you thought about how to find the right dog for you? Well I am gonna tell you tips on how to be sure you choose your match.” username=”harmony2001″] Choosing a dog First you should research breeds that will fit…

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Guest Post by Rescue Dog Productions Review of Sea Jerky for Dogs

Rescue Dog Productions   Note from SeekingSerenity and Harmony. I previously introduced you to Crafts 4 Rescues. She also goes by the name Rescue Dog Productions with her video’s to help rescue dogs find forever homes. She wrote a few blog posts to share here. First Her introduction Hi, I’m Rescue Dog Productions otherwise known…