Book Nook: What I’ve Been Reading

BOOK NOOK: What I’ve Been Reading

Image of seating area amongst shelves and shelves of books
Photo Credit: Unsplash Clay Banks

I read every night before going to sleep so I go through a lot of books.  Do you like to read? What type/genre is your favorite? My most-read genre lately is quick cozy mysteries. Cozy mysteries are actually a sub-genre of crime fiction. There are also quite a few paranormal cozy mystery series. he setting is typically a close-knit community where everyone knows each other, such as a small village, bookstore, tea shop, or bakery.I have a few favorite characters in them. The professional turned farmer and animal rescuer. The bookstore owner who can’t keep her nose out of local crime. These books are more often focused on the characters and solving puzzles than on violence or gore.

Here are some reads from my book nook:

Twenty Years Later ~ this one was a chilling, on-the-edge-of-the-seat book. It really kept me guessing who the murderer really was.

(15-minute formula) [again]

Snip Once, Die Twice,  Dog Eared Danger,   Hair Today, Dead Tomorrow by Amber Crewes

Karen McSpade I’ve been reading Karen McSpade’s books for a few years now. I discovered the term ‘cozy mystery’ about 4 years ago. Is it a genre? I did a few cozy mystery challenges. As an arc reader, I get to read some of these authors’ books before they are released to the public. I think I have consumed every Karen McSpade book that she has published. Karen McSpade is one I recommend for light fun reading.

Her Crystal Beach Series 

Her Piper Sandstone Savory Mystery Series

Piper Sandstone Culinary Mysteries: Deep Fried Revenge Series

Rosie A Point  Carrot Cake Jail Break

ACF Bookens  Fatal Floss

Fern Grove series by Abby Reede

 The Amish Wife by Gregg Olsen~ This story is a book with a lot of lies, secrets, and conspiracy.

A Light In The Forest   This book is about abuse, secrets and redemption

The Last CareTaker

The Village Healers Book of Cures 

Gemma Holiday 

Leslie Langtry  Merit Badge Murder, Mystery Night Murder, Map Skills Murder  Merry Christmas Murder  Match Box Murder 

Catherine Bruns Tastes Like Murder 

 Stella Bixby’s Cozy Mysteries  

I hope this list gives you some ideas of books to add to your list.

Love Like Crazy book n music corner Image Description: woman sitting on bed with coffee and open notebook and pen. Says Book and Music Corner. Seeking Serenity and


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