
#Bloggers Wanted For October 2019

#Bloggers Wanted For October 2019

Bloggers Wanted

I have a few surgeries coming up in October and one is on my dominant wrist so typing will not be happening for a bit. My teen daughter will help me with some to be sure I maintain my commitments but I’d love to feature some of you awesome writers. So here is my post announcing that Bloggers are Wanted!! Please read on for more information.

I am looking to gather guest posts that I can schedule in advance to be posted during the recovery time.

#Bloggers Wanted ~ Posts will not be paid but what you will be getting is more exposure for your blog and a chance to practice writing for your portfolio. You will also be getting a lot of appreciation and good karma in return.

Topics that fit my blog are within the chronic illness, mental health, natural healing, Herbs & Essential Oils, Homesteading, Animal rescue, Foster Parenting (something I am just beginning so am open to learning from other bloggers experiences).

This is just a variety of ideas. Submit your topic ideas and I am sure we can fit it in.  I would like posts to be completed by no later than Oct 12th to give me time to get them into my automated scheduling before surgery.

edited: Hand surgery was rescheduled to Oct 31st Knee surgery Oct 14th so some of the guest posts will be not posted until the first few weeks of November. So guest post submission deadline is extended until Oct 26th

Please submit ideas or posts to seekingserenityandharmony@gmail.com



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  1. I hope all goes well with your surgery. I’m not a Blogger or I would love to help you out. I have an amazing story about surviving though & chronic illnesses. I also pet sit, so fur babies give us so much love & encouragement. We need them as much as they need us. All the best to you in your recovery as well.

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