April A-Z Blog Challenge Post G 2020

April A-Z Blog Challenge Post G 2020

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Letter G 2020

Letter G = Graduation, Garden and both of those words = Growth.

My twins are due to graduate high school this year. It is amazing how much they have grown and changed in what seems a blink of an eye. One of them is interested in growing plants and is helping us to get our victory garden going this year.  Wordless Wednesday


It all comes down to GOALS

They have the goal to finish their high school education and get a diploma.  We have the goal to grow our own food and become more self reliant.  We all have the goals to grow as people. Our family has grown in the last year as we completed our training and became a licensed foster home.  That has been a goal of ours for a long time.

Another You are never too old to set another goal or dream another dream by Les Brown

What are your goals for 2o2o? Are you growing any food of your own or have anyone in your family due to graduate? This is a very different year for many of us with the pandemic happening.  This time though has given me time to reflect and see what I need to do to simplify life and spend less time running in circles with too many tabs open in my brain. It is a time to review what our priorities should and will be when this pandemic is over.

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