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April 2020 A-Z Blog Challenge Letter D

April 2020 A-Z Blog Challenge Letter D

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D~  Depression

So many people on any given day struggle with this. The sad thing is there are a large number of folks who suffer in silence.  The stigma of having a mental health diagnosis kept me from treatment for much longer than it should have.

In a normal time this is difficult to struggle with. During this pandemic with being more isolated and anxious it is even harder to deal with. My friend Jen @Diffusing The Tension writes a lot about dealing with anxiety and mental health. Check it out.   I have a previous post of hers that she shared with my blog. Read it here.

I started having the feelings as a child that grew and eventually led to my mental health diagnosis as a teen.  I was not properly treated until well into adulthood when things came to a breaking point. Literally.

The statistics show the numbers of mental health issues in children rising now.  We need to break the stigma.

I hope that I can be an advocate for others and help break the stigma. Though there is a mental health awareness day we need to work on this every day.

Hold On For One More Day!!!

I Am an Advocate



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