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Blogging A to Z Challenge April 2021

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                       April 2021 Blogging A to Z Challenge


I missed out on the sign ups  for  The April 2021 A-Z Blogging Challenge. I still plan to challenge myself to do the postings anyway. If you want to know what the A-Z blogging challenge is you can read about it here.

This post will be a work in progress throughout the month of April. Be sure to come back and check it out…


# A to Z Challenge 2021 badge #AToZBloggingChallenge2021

Day 1  Thursday April first is April Fools Day Did anyone prank you or you get to prank anyone? Tell me about it in the comments. 

We told each other a few jokes and found funny memes to share but did not do any obvious April fools pranks this year.

Other Important April Dates  & My Theme Words

1~ A April & April Fools

Edit ( I obviously fell behind and had to revamp my schedule. We have a few new kiddos to our house and am adjusting to a new schedule while we focus on their needs).

2~ B (Books & Book Reviews)

I will soon have a post up about some current books that I have been loving (and some not so much).   If you follow me for your love of the Harmony Homestead posts well maybe I will sneak some Baby Bird pics in the posts just for you.

Saturday 4/3 in National Handmade Day

April  7 I will be writing telling you about some Cozy mystery books I’ve enjoyed.

Freebie Until April 4th Cozy Mystery Posies & Poison

Sunday 4/4 is Easter Sunday

Day  8 I will be posting about letter D (Dogs, Ducks, Dinner, Delicious, Depression, Decluttering or something else? Come back and see what my post is for that day).

Day 9 of the April A to Z challenge is E. I will be posting about Easter and Eggs on that day. A day late and a dollar short as the saying goes. LOL.  I’m going to talk about what Easter means for our family (Day 6 will be F for Family) . Does this day revolve around church, chocolate bunnies, family time, or all of the above?  I will say it now so it is not too late if you celebrate this day, may you and your family have a very HAPPY EASTER!!

10~ F  Fun, Family, Frugal Living. Foster Parenting…

4/11 Nartional pet day

11  G    Goals, Gardening  Currently

12   H   will be Herbs, Harmony and Homesteading.. in preparing for  Herbalist Day, April 17th, 2021

13 ~ I  Inspiration

14    J  Joy?

15     Kindness Matters

16     L

17      M   Mental Health

18      N

19      O

20     P     Productivity, Planning

21      Q

22      R  Rabbits, Roses,Resources, Returning to a simpler life,

23      S   Serenity

24     Twins?

25     U

26     V

27    W

28     X

29     Y  YOU

30      Z


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