Computer Is All You Need

I am linking up with Grammies Grid for  WEDNESDAY WRITING PROMPT LINKUP – 

Computer . Person working on a laptop is pictured.

Computer is All You Need

Have one and oh the places you will go

Facebook News feed pictures of sparkling snow

Garden club for how to plant a seed

Amazon to shop for archery bows

Fiver to find someone to come and Mow

Homesteaders group to hire someone to weed

More pictures this time rolling hills of wheat

How far you go depends on your computer speed

So many places you can go without even leaving your seat

Whatever you search Google will succeed in meeting your needs

If only it would tell me how to successfully grow that money tree

Grammies Grid Short Story September 2020

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  1. Interesting what we can see and do with the aid of a computer! Your take on the prompt is a bit like mine but yours is longer! Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #WednesdayWrtingPromptLinkup – Computer 98 Words or Less!

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