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2020 July Chronic Voice Linkup:

July Chronic Voice Linkup


July Chronic Voice Linkup

I like doing linkups and wish I was more productive or organized to do more of them.

This post is a linkup with A Chronic Voice

July Chronic

The July writing prompts from A Chronic Voice are

Bothering. Demanding, Nourishing, Telecommuting and Tolerating

Bothering~  There are a lot of things that I am no longer bothering to do. Obviously with the pandemic I have found I am no longer running to the store for random items.  As we think of things we write them down on a pad of paper on the fridge.

When I make a trip out for necessities I decide which items on the list I’m getting.. Many items I’m not bothering to get. This pandemic forced new way of shopping is helping save time and money. See I’m really trying to find the positives here because as I’m sure you know this whole pandemic situation can increase depression for those of us who already struggle with it.

I Am an Advocate

Demanding~ Many stores around here are now demanding that all patrons wear a mask. I am surprised at the number of people who refuse to wear a mask.  I don’t like wearing a mask but I will for any bit of protection it might offer myself or those around me.


Nourishing~ Back to the grocery shopping. I am trying to buy more nourishing snacks and food choices for the kiddos.  There was a time during my depression that I had a daily staple of chocolate and cola.

Those bad habits caught up with me and I am trying to undo the damage now.  I don’t want to contribute to my kids having those same struggles if I can help it. I don’t deprive them of goodies but I don’t buy them every time they ask either.


Telecommuting~ I have mixed feelings about telecommuting. I am not a fan of phone conversations and face to face via computer is even more awkward. I do however love the time saved by not having to drive all over the place.

The most difficulty I had with it was the teleconference visits with bio family for the child we foster. She like many other children had a real hard time with ‘virtual visits’.

Our state has opened back up some and in person visits have started again and I notice how much more she enjoys going out and socializing instead of via computer.

That is probably the norm for most kids.  I have a hard time socializing in general so the pandemic was a blessing by keeping me home a bit more but also a curse in keeping me more isolated and cut off from those interactions I was getting.


Tolerating~ We just went through a spell of tolerating 90 degree days. Not abnormal for July days in Maine. It is just that I don’t tolerate the heat well physically. My best days are those that are in the spring or early fall temps.

I will close this July Chronic Voice linkup post  for now and hope to be back in August.


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  1. Hi Laurie, it’s lovely to see you this month! I hope you are doing as well as can be during these extraordinary times! I hear you on the mask front; although it’s not compulsory here yet, there seems to be a lot of people stating that they refuse to wear one if it does become enforced! Then again, it shouldn’t be surprising when considering the lack of people observing social distancing. I hope the heat eases for you soon; I don’t do well with such hot temperatures either, is so draining. Take care of yourself!

  2. Hello, I enjoyed reading your post. I agree the pandemic has changed the way I shop. No more “quick trips” to the store. I’m far more likely to do without something if I forget to put it on my list. Thankfully, my elderly parents are doing the same. I don’t cope well in high temperatures either.

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