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June Adventures, Updates and Giveaways

June Adventures

June Adventures and Updates

Boy this year has sure not gone the way I had hoped when I made my goals and vision plan for 2020.  Here is it mid June and the last 3 months have been pretty much spent in hibernation.   Well I have been told I snore like a bear but I prefer to hibernate in winter much like the bears do.


How are you doing on your 2020 goals and plans in spite of everything that has thrown you curve balls?

June Adventures and Updates

I will be doing some quick updates here:

This month saw our twins complete high school. I know they officially graduated but I find it hard to say that without them having a gown or marching or  even a professional graduation photo (due to receiving only caps since they weren’t allowed to march). It didn’t seem ‘official’.   We celebrated by all six kids and the 3 grandkids. We turned our yard into a private campground for just immediate family.

As for my 2020 plans…..

Looking at my Goals & Dreams posts I see my train on the journey has been derailed a bit. I am doing Cara Harvey’s 15 minute formula to get back on track.




I have done well with the Cozy 2020 Reading Challenge and am ahead of schedule with the books on the list. Reading at night is the time I give myself to shut off everything else and escape and relax before sleeping hopefully through the night.  I have also succeeded with my Goodreads challenge so am going to be updating to a higher number to reach in the coming months.

I am still struggling in the area of productivity and meal planning. I have done okay with our poultry projects. It has not gone as well as I’d like it to but live and learn right?

We are working to grow as much food as we can this year. It is another area where things have not gone as planned but we aren’t giving up.

I have not done as much writing and advocacy as I would like but maybe I have a habit of setting unrealistic expectations of myself?

Before I have to go  today, I also wanted to mention some freebies and giveaways going on right now.

June Adventures FREEBIES

Today June 18th  IS THE LAST DAY to get  Suvi Chisholms The Very Bad Caterpillar eBook.    I read this book with the little one here before it went free by reading on Kindle Unlimited.  We enjoyed it a lot. Check out Suvi’s Reading Corner. 




Chronic Warrior Collectives Christmas in July 2020 Giveaway

$100 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway (Ends 6/30)

Motorola Peekaboo Baby Camera GIVEAWAY ends June 30, 2020

Printsfield Customize Your Own Socks Giveaway! ends 6/30/2020

$250 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

Empowering Books for Busy Moms Giveaway ends 6/30

Razor Electric Scooter Giveaway Ends 7/9

Dinosaur in the Elevator Book Giveaway ends 7/9

Coming Soon a giveaway for the book Love Lettering.


In other news, this year’s Ultimate Homemaking Bundle goes on sale next week!
I’ve already had a chance to start looking through it, and it looks REALLY good.  You can sign up to be notified when the sale goes here.


I am linking up with  maryanderingcreatively.com/

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One Comment

  1. I think we’re all trying to figure out what’s happened to 2020. I don’t think I even recall my goals expect for eating healthy and travel. With our own hibernation, we’re snacking too much and not getting out much. But, we’ve adapted and will carry on with a stay-at-home summer.

    Thanks for sharing.

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