Cozy Mystery Reading Challenges 2020 Join Us on an Adventure

Cozy Mystery and other Reading Challenges In 2020

Join Us on an Adventure

Cozy Mystery Challenge

I am participating in the#2020CozyChallenge

If  you join in the cozy mystery reading challenge please mention that I (Laurie) introduced you to the group.

I also have been lucky to read some ARC (advanced reader copies) of books by authors for reviews. Stay tuned for those reviews!!

I just finished the ARC of  Entitled to Kill by ACF Bookens .

Cozy Mystery

You can read more about Harvey Beckett and her adventures here

One of the books I will be  reading right off is Love Lettering that I received free from to read and review.


As I mentioned in some previous posts I love to read. I am continuing with the annual reading challenge on Goodreads. 

I am joining up with these reading challenges as well


Come and join us on an adventure….

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One Comment

  1. Hi Laurie-

    Learned of your blog through my VA’s Reading Challenge.

    One of my clients is releasing a memoir this summer about how she pulled her daughter through Lyme Disease during her teen years. I hope you’ll email me so I can send you a proper Request for Review. Review would be due July 7 at Amazon, Goodreads and BookBub.

    Stay as well as you can and hope to have an email from you this weekend,
    Stephanie Barko, Literary Publicist

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