2020 Vision: The Week Between Christmas & New Years

2020 Vision: I had started writing this post before Christmas but in the chaos of holiday preparations it was left unfinished.  So many of my projects I had planned to complete this year are still unfinished. I am not going to look at them as failures I see them as works in progress just as I am. Now we look forward to 2020 with a clearer vision of what my priorities should be. One of those of course is home and family. Second is focusing on the advocacy work that I feel God leading me to do. More about that later. Right now A quick bit about my family & Christmas.

On Christmas Eve my 4 grown kids, 3 grand kids  come home to join my teen twins, my husband and I and this year our 4.5 year old foster child for  a big holiday dinner. This way the grand kids can spend Christmas at home in their p.j’s with their tree.

My most recent newsletter from Alice at DIYerfy.com she said best what I love most about Christmas and she said it so much better than I could that I am quoting her.

“I’m looking forward to the Christmas eve dinner, the silly games we play when we’re together, and trying to hear each other speak in a super loud house with all of us talking at the same time. Oh what a fun ruckus it is.What makes Christmas special to you?”

She seriously summed up what our house is like when all of the kids are home but you know what? As crazy and chaotic as it is I love having them all here together. It makes my heart whole.

Feeling Stressed and Overwhelmed From all of the holiday chaos?

Holiday Stress Buster
3 drops REVIVE Stress Easy
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As we are packing away Christmas decorations you might like to check out this post on organizing your decorations.

Now the chaos is over and it is the week between Christmas and new years. A time when many are thinking reflecting on the past year and looking toward the year ahead.

2020 Vision

2020 Vision

So tell me in the comments what makes Christmas special to you?  In this week between Christmas and New Years are you reflecting on this past year and thinking of what you would like to set for your 2020 vision?


The Importance Of Setting Goals and A Vision.

Goals Midyear Checkin 2019


My Vision for 2020

In 2020 I will be focusing on improving my health. I want to continue to support my friends in the chronic illness community. I want to free up more time to spend with my family and friends.

I am still loving and wanting to improve our homestead. I am still exploring and learning as much as I  can about herbal, plant and natural medicines.

My blog may cover a variety of things but I want to focus on advocacy and awareness to break the mental illness stigma and do what I can to help bring the rising suicide numbers down.


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