2019 currently wrapping, baking, lighting, sending, and enjoying

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I am linking  up with Anne In Residence

Dec 4th 2019’s prompt for the linkup is  currently wrapping, baking, lighting, sending, and enjoying. Now you will think It being December that I am going to be writing about currently wrapping presents, baking cookies. Lighting trees or candles, sending cards and enjoying the season.

I would love if that was what I was currently doing. I love the magic of Christmas but somehow the last several years I have misplaced that magic and it has been replaced with stress and anxiety.   I had grand plans for this year to be the year I found that magic again.  We were planning memory making holidays with me being organized and joyous.

I don’t want this post to be depressing though so I am going to put a positive spin on things anyway.

Currently Wrapping

Currently I am wrapping up the year of 2019 by trying to continue to change my mindset to be a more positive person with better mental and physical health.

I am baking more as the days get colder. I am trying out some dairy and gluten free recipes as we are still trying to figure out which specific foods are setting off some of my flare ups.

We are lighting up our tree and home with christmas lights and I am amazed every time I see how much joy they bring our 4 year old foster daughter every single time I turn them on.  It is a reminder to me to find joy even in the simplest of things.

Lighting Up Our Tree for ChristmasImage of elf in Christmas tree. Elf on a Shelf likes to create Chaos. TP on the Tree


I am sending out virtual happiness and joy to each of my readers and sending prayers that you each find some peace, health or happiness that you are looking for over the holidays and in the coming year of 2020.

Currently I am enjoying my cup of coffee and the quiet of a new morning as I try to prioritize what needs to be done today and hoping that it is a productive but joyful day with the family.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you visit again.

You can see my previous Currently post here.

Season of Giving



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  1. It really is easy for stress to take over the magic… I have been trying to simplify and streamline holiday plans and intentions for that very reason! Getting rid of a whole bunch of Christmas decor that I didn’t use last year somehow was a big help – this year it was much nicer just to pull out the few things I had left, not feel pressure to do any additional decorating, and then just move on to enjoying being cozy in the light of the Christmas tree 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful season and find some yummy recipes that work for you!

  2. How sweet for you to remember to send your readers a greeting among all the other preparations. I hope the rest of your season is blessed as well.

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