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FMF Writing Prompt Link-up July 2019 Willing

Five minute Friday linkup we set a timer for 5 minutes and write about the word prompt.

This week the prompt is willing.

Willing. Willing to do what? Willing myself to feel better is what first pops into my mind. Willing myself to think positive to fight the dark cloud of depression.

Willing to push through and get stuff done in spite of the chronic pain.

Willing to listen to my body and rest when it tells me I need rest.

I am willing to bloom where I am planted .

Be Willing: Bloom Where You Are Planted

I am willing to advocate for others and speak my story in hopes that it helps someone else.

I am willing to do my best to bring  hope and healing to someone else who is struggling



I am linking up at Five Minute Friday 

You can find some of my previous Five Minute Friday’s here.



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  1. Just what I needed to read today – one of those days where I am still in PJs and can’t move for pain! I haven’t joined Five Minute Friday, but think I might just come up with something today! Claire x (PainPalsBlog)

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