Earth Day 2019 Are You Doing Anything Special Today?

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day 2019. I remember as a kid going out with a group from town and carrying trash bags to do a roadside cleanup.  Honestly I wish instead of thinking about it one day a year that we all thought about it every day. Do you want to be more eco conscious? I want to do more reducing, reusing and recycling without becoming a hoarder who never throws anything away of course. That I guess would be a more minimalist, less on the grid lifestyle I am seeking.

Sierra Club has a list of 10 Activities to Celebrate Earth Day. There are so many things that each and every one of us can do to improve the environment.  Do you have any environmental projects on your spring project list?

Have you heard of RecycleBank?  It is a great site with activities to earn reward points and educate yourself about eco friendly living. One of their posts I read today was 10 Fun and Easy Ways To Celebrate Earth Month. 

Have you been on Facebook and seen someone mention OHM Connect and OHM Hour?  It turns out our area doesn’t connect with it but it still has given me a lot of information on ways I can lower our energy usage.

Comment below what your thoughts are or your biggest challenge with being eco friendly.

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