SPRING CLEANING TIME! 100s of Tips and Tricks

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Spring Cleaning

May 2019 I came across this post today and decided it was time to give it a tune up.
Seven years later I am still struggling with keeping up a good cleaning  routine thanks to life always throwing curveballs.

Spring Cleaning Recommended Reading

I am going to do a list of spring cleaning posts to help you figure out which routine works best for you.
Our Five Ring Circus by lexieloolilyliamdylantoo.com has a great post on her blog about a master checklist
You can find a lot more articles on my Pinterest board “Organize and Save time”
Or my homemaking board “Helps and Tips” 
April 2012 I posted: It is that time of year again. The sun is shining, the days are longer giving us more energy hopefully.
I have come across some great articles on spring cleaning during my Sunday reading. I want to share with you in hopes that it will help someone.
When I was checking my eBay sales I spotted ebay eXtras and there was an article about decluttering.
5 simple ways to eliminate clutter . In our sunday paper was a page with a large article on decluttering and organizing. You can read the article here->Please Release Me   A great article about decluttering on a shoestring http://unclutterer.com/2009/02/09/get-organized-on-a-shoestring/
This spring I attempted a spring clean/ decluttering your scariest space challenge.

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