Think Spring 2017

Depending on where you are while reading this you are likely ready to see spring flowers. Done with the snow and ready to see the grass growing even if it does mean mowing. Here on the Harmony Homestead we are more than ready to see the mountains of snow melt in our yard.

Thinking Spring

Last week our first chicks of the year hatched. They are just backyard mix, no special breeds watching them does brighten the days.  Today my youngest daughter and I went venturing in every farm store we crossed paths with while doing errands. We came home with some more new baby birds.  On my Facebook page I have a give away for anyone who can guess how many stores and how many birds. Here is the link to the giveaway

Another cute chicken themed giveaway on Facebook was posted on Fluffy Layers that is hosted by Fresh Eggs Daily and provided Lemon Bay Doll company and  by Brandy’s Happy Home.
This is an adorable chicken themed doll accessories.

Need some spring photos? Well here are some I have taken in past springs


Think Spring

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