A long long winter… Think Spring 2018

Think Spring.

I don’t know about you but it seems it has been an extra long winter. Winter arrived quicker than I was ready for and I hear we have another big white storm coming our way. I am more than ready for spring. I don’t want to wish time away but I do long for green grass and blooming flowers.

I’ve had some health struggles this winter perhaps that has made it seem like an extra long winter.
I’m recovering and activity is restricted. I had to bring some spring inside. I set up the incubators and tested fertility on a few of my hens eggs.

A few days after my arrival home from a recent hospital stay the first one hatched.

Think Spring Chickens

Meet Phoenix who is 9 days old.
On St.Patrick’s day yesterday we had 3 more new arrivals hatch

2 weeks from now will be Easter/April Fools day and we will have more hatching happening that weekend. No joke.


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