No Words (updated)

Ease. Seeking Serenity and harmony. Image of mom and child enjoying the outside.

No Words

 No Words, I have no words, I’m too tired to talk.

But I guess I need to use words to explain myself.

I’m really not sure what to say. I’m wiped out, exhausted. Mentally and physically.

We had a crisis hit.

My husband was in a bad freak accident and is in intensive care at a trauma unit.

I’m struggling trying to figure out solutions for our foster child who depends on me being here for her 24/7

Can I ask if you believe in the power of prayer or anything that you pray that needs are met and for healing for my husband.

                                                                                   No Words Needed: Maine Medical Center Image of the hospital name lit up in the dark night

no words for this beautiful sky from the hospital parking lot

no words for this beautiful sky image with black, blue and orange

Other than the words on this page, I am at a loss for the words for how I feel right now.

                                                                                     (Update  7/1/22 )

 He is lucky to be alive.

 He is out of the ICU and home trying to rest and recover before 2 surgeries next week.

        One on his eye and one on his wrist.

There are no words for the outpouring of love and support from friends. family and even strangers.

Not enough or the words to show the gratitude

But I promise you we will be paying it forward in the future after we get through this current challenge.

                           I can not find adequate words to voice how this experience has us re-evaluating life, values and goals.

No words needed Picture of my husband in his hospital bed on day 1 after his accident. Very burned sore tired man in hospital gown and bed


I’ve had friends and family reach out and ask how they can help. With him being our main breadwinner and needing gas and coffee to keep me and the car fueled going back and forth to the hospital I have created a paypal donate link only for those who feel inclined. I am not asking for donations. I am putting this here for those who have asked me how they can best help us right now.  Thank you in advance.


or if you prefer paypal. 


I am linking up at traffic jam weekend

Sweet Summertime $100 Cash Giveaway


Updated July 2nd 2022

July started with a bang.…America is celebrating this weekend. We are staying home, keeping cool and recovering from this last week. What are your plans this weekend? Are you celebrating? Drop me a reply.

However our July plans got suddenly changed by a freak accident. My husband was mining with friends when he was in an explosion and fell down the mountain. He is alive, He is now home but he is facing multiple surgeries next week and it looks like our July will be wrapped up in dealing with health/medical stuff. Freak Accident medical crisis update pages We aren’t looking forward to loud booms and bangs of fireworks.

If you are getting this email you signed up at some point either on my blog or through a giveaway link. Like the current giveway…

I had plans to overhaul my blog and newsletters this summer and to do so I wish to know what my readers and subscribers are interested in and want to or don’t want to hear about. There will be some upcoming quiz/ poll options or if you no longer want to hear from me there is an unsubscribe button on the bottom of the page. No hard feelings. I understand the overflowing inbox and want to be a support and positive thing in your inbox with helpful resources to help you live your best life.

Whatever you are doing this weekend Stay Safe and Enjoy the good stuff!!

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