Deal With a Difficult Diagnosis

Difficult diagnosis. Image of a woman with her face in her palm.
Photo via Pexels

Sarah at is our guest poster this month and wrote this very informative piece on how to deal with a difficult diagnosis.

                                       How to Deal With a Difficult Diagnosis

Life is unpredictable. A diagnosis can change our lives. Getting news about your health is never easy, especially when you are told that the condition will cause you to have chronic pain.

When you are told about your diagnosis, it’s important to fight the urge to feel wronged. Instead, work on positivity, mindfulness, and living healthily.

Develop Resilience

Living with pain has physical and mental repercussions. According to Psychology Today, patients that have become resilient while dealing with pain usually engage in a few common activities. These include:

● Taking an active role in your diagnosis. Read up on your condition and conduct your own research in order to better understand your diagnosis. This will give you a little more control over your situation.
● Complementing your treatment with alternative methods, such as altering your diet, adding physical activity, or trying different holistic methods and approaches to life.
● Establishing or looking for support methods or groups. Connect with others in similar situations. Find support groups and establish a community. Realize that you are not alone.
● Eliminating pain triggers at home. Organizing your home and cleaning up unneeded clutter can help you feel safe and comfortable. By creating a peaceful space in your home, you can relax and reflect on things.
● If you need to make any modifications to your home to live more comfortably, consider refinancing to help pay for the expenses of renovating. Research the cash out refinance process and discuss possible options with a lender.


                                                                                                                    How to Deal With a Difficult Diagnosis

Don’t Stop Moving

Chronic pain often leads to disuse syndrome. If you’re in pain, it can be hard to stay active, but inactivity can cause your muscles to atrophy. Don’t give in to the diagnosis completely; keep moving. This will increase your overall wellness and will actually improve your mood and sense of health.

As the Huffington Post reports, the body was meant to move, so keeping your body active will fortify it against chronic pain. Consider keeping a daily regimen of walking, swimming, yoga, and/or strength training. Any physical activity will greatly increase your health and help treat the pain.


                                                                                                   How to Deal With a Difficult Diagnosis

Watch What You Eat

Focusing on a clean diet can really help in improving overall wellness and a variety of conditions, including pain caused by inflammation. Some suggestions include:

● Adding a paleo diet rich in vegetables will help fight chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can often be a great cause of pain and discomfort.
● Avoid foods that cause inflammation like refined carbohydrates, french fries, red meat, and margarine. Eat plenty of foods that combat inflammation like green leafy vegetables, fatty fish, olive oil, and tomatoes.
● Sleep is imperative. Getting enough sleep is often easily disregarded, but it can help restore your health and heal your body.
● Sugar is your enemy. Processed sugars can be quick energy boosters, but they are artificial and can cause major inflammation and pain. Avoid sugary drinks and candy.

Beware of the Risks of Painkillers

Prescription painkillers are easy to start, but they’re not always easy to stop. Opioid pain medicines are incredibly powerful and can be addictive to some patients. It is important to keep in mind that dependence is different from abuse disorder. Some tips include:

● Be conscious of the risks of opioid addiction.
● Educate yourself on how quickly opioid dependence can develop.
● Use other methods, like those stated above, to fight pain and avoid depending solely on pain medicine.

Living with pain is not easy. However, understanding your condition, doing your research, and looking for alternative treatments can help you gain more control of your situation.

Don’t be dependent on painkillers. Instead, keep your body moving and change your diet to fortify your immune system. Your body has the potential to be resilient if given the right fuel.

On Seeking Serenity and Harmony, I write about the reality of many with chronic illness. I write about home making, homesteading as well as parenting while struggling. Pull up your favorite comfy chair. Relax, put your feet up and I hope you enjoy your visit to my website.

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  1. Laurie and Sarah, this is an excellent article. Glad I spotted it at the #TrafficJamWeekend linkup. So many things to comment on, but I’ll pick just one. Don’t Stop Moving. Reminded me of a saying physical therapists use a lot: “Motion is lotion.”

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