Currently Feb 2022 Loving, Making, Taking, Wanting, and Wondering

Currently Feb 2022 to share what  I am  currently loving, making, taking, wanting, and wondering. image of hanging hearts

Currently Feb 2022

Loving, Making, Taking, Wanting, and Wondering.

I am linking up with Anne in Residence ~ Currently Feb 2022 to share what  I am  currently lovingmakingtakingwanting, and wondering.

I am Loving this image of lilacs. in looking at it I can almost smell the sweet perfumed scent.

Making and Taking time to continue reading new books  and write more. Writing has always been a passion of mine. I have a hard time considering myself a writer. The only way to perfect my skills is to increase my practice time. I hope to use my writing to help others.

[bctt tweet=”In February 2021, 37.5% of adults in Maine reported symptoms of anxiety or depression.”~ NAMI MAINE” username=”@harmony2001″]

I am Wanting to help break the mental health stigma. I am Wondering how I can make the biggest difference. With the pandemics arrival the numbers of mental health issues has climbed, Waiting lists for services has grown longer.
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One Comment

  1. I’m late on all my blog reading and decided to try and catch up with the “Currently” posts tonight 🙂 I LOVE lilacs and am excited for lilac season to get here.

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