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Self Care: Sanity Saver: Quiet

Take Time To Be Quiet: Sanity Saver

After writing this and typing  “Take Time To Be Quiet” into a search engine that it is actually a quote credited to Zig Ziglar

I am linking up at a weekly writing prompt link-up here at Five Minute Friday.

We are given a prompt and we free write for 5 minutes.  This weeks prompt is Quiet.

I find that if I do not take time and try to escape the noise of daily living and have five minutes of quiet each day I may put on my grumpy pants.

I tend to get stressed more than usual if I do not have some time during each day where there is no noise. Where I can just sit and breathe. Just soak up some quiet.  I consider this practice very important to self care. It is a sanity saver for me. I’m sure you’ve seen the joke about women being like a computer with a thousand tabs open in their brain? Well trying to close some of those tabs and shut off the noise in the mind and in my environment are important.

“Take time to be quiet.” – Zig Ziglar

If you have been following me for awhile you know I have some invisible chronic illness struggles.  I have been looking for more natural healing methods.  I have a friend who is a massage therapist and has opened a healing center. During sessions it is not uncommon for me to relax and have a quiet mind so well that I may fall asleep. Bless her for not being bothered by my snoring or sleep drool while she works on loosening my too tight Fascia.

“The best cure for the body is a quiet mind.” – Napoleon Bonaparte

Some days I may have to make myself a cup of nice herbal tea to help calm my mind and body.  If you are interested I will follow up on this post  to write about some of my favorite herbal teas.  Just leave a comment and say “Tell me about your favorite teas!” Who knows I might include a giveaway  for herbal tea if there is enough interest!!

My timer has gone off, My five minutes of free write is up…


Thank you for stopping by

Take Time To Be Quiet Image is pillows on a window seat with the word Quiet and Five MInute Friday

Five Minute Friday REMEDY


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