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Fixing The Broken Things Five Minute Friday

Fixing The Broken Things Five Minute Friday

FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Fix


FMF Writing Prompt Link-up :: Fix – Five Minute Friday

fixing the broken image of screwdriver word fix

Five Minute Friday we are given a word prompt and spend 5 minutes writing about that word. This weeks word is Fix. I would love to be able to ‘fix’ so many things. Fixing the broken things. I wish I could fix the broken mental health system that has so many people falling through the cracks. I wish I could fix the system that so many foster children find themselves in. These children slipping through the cracks. The rising mental health statistics due to the pandemic. I guess I should remember the story about the man throwing the starfish back into the sea. If I can help just one, That will make a difference.

Mending those broken seams so that there is less falling through the cracks.  While I work on fixing my blog, I think about how best I can use it to bring awareness and advocate for those struggling with mental health. Advocate for those kids living in the system, hanging in limbo. I will work on breaking the stigma and bringing hope and healing with my words.






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