
My Need To Live: One Year Anniversary

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My Need To Live

A year ago today I published this post

Lifelong Learning: Teaching An Old Dog New Tricks

on the My Need To Live Website

MY Need To Live Tell Your Story Campaign

A lot has happened in the last year. Though I don’t have anything that stands out in my mind before that Sunday in March when we were celebrating my grandaughter’s birthday and we got the notifications that the state was pretty much going into shut down mode.

At least as far as all of our kids schools.  Thankfully my two seniors were already doing online virtual charter school. They did not deal with much of a transition. They did suffer the loss of a normal graduation and departure from high school.

Summer happened and then it was the beginning of another school year. It seems so weird to have spent the majority of this year with technology being such a big part of how we function.  Telehealth, Virtual school, Online shopping not such a big deal. Staying in touch with those we love and miss is even harder thanks to this pandemic. Video chatting is just not the same as visiting someone in person.

For someone who struggled with depression and mental health for many years this pandemic stress is making it a challenge to avoid falling down the rabbit hole again.  I’ve been getting requests to read and review books and that has been my escape when I need a break from reality. 

 Making sure I get proper sleep is key. I do notice it is more of a struggle when I slip and binge on my favorite comfort foods of chocolate and soda or other ‘junk’ food.

During this year and well any time really but especially now it is important you pay attention to your body and take care of yourself. If you feel yourself overwhelmed with anxiety or slipping into depression reach out to someone. Do not ignore it and hope it goes away. Definitely do not be ashamed of feeling that way. Just know there is hope and even when it doesn’t feel like it there are people that care.

I Am an Advocate

@MyNeedToLive    #TellYourStory

August to Autumn



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  1. I have suffered since I was young. It is so important to speak out and let others know their is nothing to be ashamed of and that they are not alone!

  2. There is definitely help for depression and anxiety. Once there is self admission that there is an issue, it can start to be corrected. Too many times, peers will try to diagnose it as something totally different.

    1. Yes there is help and hope. I feel that the stigma surrounding mental health keeps many from reaching out. I know personally I refused to admit my struggle years ago because I was ashamed and because I heard a lot of comments like “Loony bin” “crazy” etc. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Technology is about the only thing that made this pandemic barrable, I’m not sure how people would have coped like this during my childhood in the 80s, or when there was rolling blackouts in the UK in the 70s

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