
5 Minute Friday Talent

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Welcome to this weeks 5 Minute Friday

This week’s writing prompt is: TALENT

I am linking up with  Five Minute Friday. 


We set a timer for five minutes and start writing. This is a free write. We write what ever comes to mind about the prompt.

This weeks prompt Talent brings to mind so many things. Talents I wish I had and so many skills that I see that people have and don’t realize. There are so many natural skills often hidden within that we don’t utilize.

Lately we have watched a few movies where I have really admired the skating and dancing skills.  Well the singing talent too. I have been admiring a lot of art wonderfulness in the schools lately.

On this 5 minute Friday what do you wish your hidden skill was?


I would find it hard to say that I have a specific skill but I would find it easy to point out someone else’s gifts and skills. How is that for you? Can you point out a special skill you have? List it in the comments.

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