
3 Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks

3 Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks

insect annoyance prevention tips


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Insect Annoyance Prevention

Insect annoyance prevention tips and tricks. It’s that time of year when we want to spend time outdoors. Some days the insects drive us back indoors. With the rise in numbers of Lyme diagnoses we are trying to prevent ourselves and our pets from contracting it from one of those little nasty ticks.

Previously I had written this blog post about avoiding the summer nuisances of Fleas, Ticks and Mosquitoes. I went on a search and found an abundance of articles about Insect annoyance prevention tips and tricks.

Doing Our Homework

For you I rounded up a few more good articles that I thought helpful.  I have created a FREE recipe eBook  with a few more resources that I am offering free to all of my readers. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this freebie. I hope you find some recipes that you like. Keep reading to find the link to the eBook download further down the post.

When planning what to do for Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks I believe it is important that  we educate ourselves and find healthy alternatives to strong chemicals. There is so much information available. It is important to also make sure you are using a trusted source.Always  and check with your medical provider or vet. Disclaimer:  I am not a medical doctor and the advice given here is not intended to replace medical advice from your own doctor.

Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks


3 Tips taken from my article 15 Tips To Minimize Summer Insect Annoyance

1  Plants Find wild Tansy plants and plant in and around your yard. Ticks, fleas, gnats, and etc can’t stand the smell. rosemary tyme and basil and catnip

2 if you use bug spray use organic bug spray. You don’t want to be using chemicals that could potentially harm your health. I buy straight up citronella essential oil and make my own safe bug spray.  Other times I buy spray that is made at our local apothecary. I am shopping local and supporting small family business with those purchases.

3 check around your property for standing water. You don’t want to encourage the mosquitoes to make your home their breeding grounds.

Recommended Reading

I found this article very informative. It mentions many ways to naturally repel ticks and fleas. Some of the ways are really pretty simple.


Here on the homestead when we are thinking about our gardening or landscaping we can include more plants that are said to repel ticks. Do you have any of these growing in your yard?

Best Plants for Repelling Ticks and Fleas Naturally

I found another great article about repelling ticks and fleas with plants. It is this one. I hope you find it as informative as I did.  I have a teen who is interested in plants and we have been trying to grow a lot of plants that we can use for more than just their good looks or air purifying benefits.

Plants that Naturally Repel Fleas and Ticks

I have to say I think my favorite plant I love to buy and add to my yard every year is Lavender. Lavender is our most used scent in our house. We use it for sleep. We apply it to bug bites and it is used in all the blends I use for relaxation.

Do you have a favorite insect repealing plant? Drop your answer in the comments!

Don’t miss The Dandy Dandelion

Essential oils good for Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks

Essential oils like peppermint and lavender, Cedar Oil, lemon balm and rosemary, LemonGrass are known to repel certain insects.

There are a lot of great articles and blog posts on insect annoyance and prevention tips and tricks.  There is also contradictory information. So do your homework and use your own judgement.LivingWellMom has a great explanation about why you want to use Rose Geranium Oil here. Also another great post on diynatural.com

Insect Annoyance Prevention Tips & Tricks

I am interested in learning about using as natural products as possible. Since 2014 I have been an avid user of essential oils and in the last few years have been expanding my knowledge to also using herbs for more than just seasoning in my food.


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Pictured is my daughters rescue dog with some homemade dog shampoo that I created just for her with essential oils that research showed me was safe to use.  If you buy essential oils be sure you are buying quality pure oils and not something that is filled with things besides essential oils.

As with most anything you will find contradicting information on most topics. Be sure to do your own research and make choices that you feel are best for you and your family and pets.

I bought Ultimate Bundles Herbs and Essential Oils Bundle in 2019 and am looking forward to buying more educational materials from them to learn more about these topics.   As I learn I will be back and share what I have learned and what I tried that worked or didn’t work for me.  Again I am recommending before trying anything I share that you check with your medical professional.


Thank you for reading. Please feel free to go to the sidebar and sign up to receive my newsletter to stay updated. I won’t fill your email box with spam. I only like spam in a can.

Come back soon: I have many projects here on the homestead I plan to blog about over the summer. I also will share just a little bit for those interested in some of my favorite resources such as our freeze dried food from Thrive Life Foods and my favorite places to buy herbs and essential oils.

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  1. My son plays baseball, and there are a ton of mosquitos and gnats out there! We are out there every night, so I’ll be trying some essential oils. I hate the way commercial bug spray smells. I’m the lucky one out of all of us. The bugs refuse to bite me. My doctor said they can smell my medications, & don’t want to risk it lol. Guess that’s one upside! Thanks for sharing!

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