2017 Mug Love Exchange
Mug Love Exchange
Thanks to my friend and blogger Stefanie at Lexie Loo, Lily, Liam & Dylan too I learned of a thing called Mug Love Exchange. The exchange is organized by Stephanie at Wife, Mommy, Me. It sounded like a really fun idea. I signed up to try it out and was paired with Danielle Flowers. I had fun picking out a mug with inspirational quotes since she said that was what she loved.
When I received my package from Danielle I wished I had ordered more items to go with her mug. Not tonight reading Stefanie’s blog I wish I had thought of sending a separate care package of tea and goodies like Stephanie did.
My Love Mug Exchange Goodies
A cute wooden sign ” Bless all who gather here” a beautiful scarf, a blank journal. A nice large mug and several teas to try. Again I wish I’d thought to send more items to her.
There is also has a $50.00 Paypal or Starbucks gift card giveaway here.
I love my mug! Now I have a new blog to follow!