Currently Arranging and Loving


Currently Arranging & Loving

It is a new day of a new month. I flipped the page of the calendar to a fresh clean slate this morning. A new day and a fresh start. I hope you enjoy the read. I am joining up with Anne in Residence to talk about what we are arrangingloving, embracingpurchasing, and sharing.

So here is my update on what I am up to.

I am busy on the homestead presently  putting out  fall decorations .Before I know it, as fast as the days go by it will be time to haul out the Christmas decorations. I have been busy composing my schedule and daily routines in my calendar. I am having issues with forgetting to transfer things from my digital calendar to my family’s paper calendar though. So I am still a work in progress when it comes to being organized and productive.


I am absolutely adoring my family and making time in my schedule for my grand kids. I am also enjoying  the cooler days.  I enjoy summer but my favorite seasons are spring and fall.


I am embracing my loved ones and embracing my current life. I am in a spot in my life where i never thought I would be. At one time I was in a dark depression and had no hope for things to get better. Today they are better than I could begin to imagine back then.

I am working on my health goals to improve my health. I am tired of always being sick and tired. I need to reduce my body’s inflammation and fight some autoimmune diseases. I am working at purchasing healthier food choices for me and especially to set a better example for the two teens in the house.

Day by day seems a struggle one good day and then 3 days of feeling like I am going backwards. I am not giving up the fight though. I am going to take a step back, do a brain dump and start fresh, again.  It seems I am always starting over again.  But the goal is to keep putting one foot in front of the other and not give in to the feeling of being defeated by my depression or my physical health.


Seeking Serenity and Harmony’s Hen House on the Homestead

I recently  have been sharing a lot of eggs. I have been lucky with egg production currently and have not had a lot of luck at selling . I have been sharing my chickens eggs with my adult children and my extended family. The other day I sent a platter of deviled eggs and a platter of pickled eggs to an event that I had to miss. I heard the pickled eggs were a hit.   I decided that is what I am going to do with my bantam eggs is make bite sized pickled eggs.

On Oct 2nd Ultimate Bundles Releases the Genius Bloggers Toolkit. You won’t want to miss it if growing your blog is something that interests you.
TGBTK 2019


Some Cute “Current” Tee’s I found on Amazon.


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  1. I find the balance between online tools and paper calendars kind of tricky too… but how great to be making time in your schedule for grandkids! Enjoy the fall 🙂

  2. I have a digital and paper calendar also. I try to do them at the same time and double check things once a week to make sure I didn’t forget anything!
    Pickled eggs sound delicious!

  3. I like that quote, is it from the band leader?

    I have to admit, I skip over the fall decorating and my mind jumps to Christmas. But this year I’m not ready for either.

  4. Good luck with finding healthier foods, etc. I definitely plan on getting back on track this Fall. I can’t eat gluten, I have IBS, and I’m starting to gain weight again…so it’s a work in progress.


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