


I am linking up with Five Minute Friday

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: TESTIMONY


When I think of the word testimony it reminds me of when I was younger and at Sunday School or church camp the leaders were asking for testimony. I didn’t want to speak up. Not because I was ashamed but because I am not comfortable speaking in crowds or in front of people. Secondary I always felt everyone else’s testimonies were so much more than.

More than. Opposite of how I felt I was. I felt less than. I don’t know why or where it started but my self esteem kept me from ever feeling like I was as good as or as smart as anyone else. The good news is that I’ve been taught that in the end that won’t matter.

But I really wish those yukky emotions  would just go away. Even now as an adult I struggle. I see others writing and wish my writing is as good as theirs. Out socially and seeing clusters of people wonder why I don’t fit in. Well I guess I just gave my testimony. Not the testimony of when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior.

This is the testimony of how I have always felt the struggle to fit in. Thanks to my thoughts and feelings. I am working on changing to more positive thinking but it doesn’t happen over night after years of negativity.

Why I started my blog was to write about my experiences and hope that somehow I could help someone else. Use my testimony of my trials to bring light into someone else’s darkness.

The journey continues…..