Goals 2019 Accountability Update 1

Whoopsies I never actually published my 2019 Goals list. that is included here along with a 4 month accountability update.

My motivation

I  was inspired to put it out there and make my goals public by Becca Moore of The Moore Family Homestead. She said  in an email to me  ” Writing down our goals was the best thing we could have ever done. We took the first 65 days of this year and really laid out what it was we’d like to see happen over the next year. We don’t think all of them will happen, but writing them down at least gave us an idea of where to start and what to focus on. It helped us see what was most important and what could wait if it needed to.” I had reached out to hear after reading her post on her families goal to become more self sufficient and the steps they were taking. You can read that here. I had written my desire to become more self sufficient in an earlier post you can read here.  I think putting my goals out there will force me to be more accountable.

Now on to the goals I had set for myself in 2019

I mentioned here yesterday a story of my self imposed challenge to clear out my clutter piles and shock my oldest children on Christmas of 2018 and how that is still a  work in progress. If you missed it and want to read it is in this Decluttering Your Scariest Space Challenge Post. If you would like to join in on this challenge you can do so by clicking on the image below.

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle 2019

Some things I have on my goal list we are already doing to a degree but I want to do even more of it. We want to grow more of our own food this year than we have in past years.
Goal Setting inside the bundle

Growing our own food

The biggest thing is our garden, We want to have a much bigger improved garden this year. I have posted in earlier posts a few pictures of our started seedlings.
We still have a lot of work to do. Seeds left to plant, seedlings to tend and then there is the eventual moving them outside to the actual garden when it is time.
  I mentioned in an earlier post about my husbands desire that we raise turkeys successfully. We want one for Thanksgiving and one for Christmas and additionally would like to raise some heritage breed turkeys for eggs.
We have duck and chickens that we use for eggs.
I love the variety of colors and have not met my goal of having all the colors yet.
Our first harvest this year was maple syrup. It was not as successful as previous years. We have figured out a new plan for next spring.

I have a few rain barrels we really put to use the year we raised piglets but we want to give them a real workout this year and get the most benefit out of them. We have a vision and now we just need to put it into action.


Less Waste

I have a goal to minimize my waste, we feed food scraps to chickens and compost but I would like to do even better with this. In taking this a step further I would like to cut down on waste that comes into the house. Plastic bottles, packaging and other stuff that ends up going into a recycling bin. I have read they often end up sending so much products intended to be recycled back into the landfill. I also read that it costs more to recycle plastic than it does to make new. So my goal is to drastically reduce my plastic usage.

Becoming More Self Sufficient

My husband has a real desire and interest in learning more about solar and going off the grid from electricity companies. He also has been wanting to grow fruit trees. The property we moved into in 2014 is surrounded by wild berry bushes and I want to maintain them this year so we get a better harvest. Of course last year the bears beat me too it but this year I hope to get more berries before the bears clean out my bushes. I do like wildlife I’m just not that great at sharing my fresh berries.

I have a goal for my business such as the blog and making homemade products to sell. to help with living expenses. One of my biggest goals this year is to make more of an effort to improve my health.

I read the book Oola Find Balance in an Unbalanced World and Oola For Women. There are key areas that I need to work on improvement. Some more than others. The Oola areas are Fun, Finance, Fitness, Faith, Family, Field.  The Finance, Field and Fitness are the areas I need to work harder on.

So for the progress report we have made some progress but in some areas I myself need to work a lot harder. My health is at times a daily struggle. I feel like I just need to push harder. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired.

  • Bought local beef
  • Tapped trees ~ Maple Syrup
  • Seedlings started
  • Turkey project started (so far 1 heritage and 2 broad breasted)
  • Decluttering Project~ Before photos taken
  • We are also working on getting licensed to become foster parents

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